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I was around 40 when I started to invest time and energy...

...on my personal growth and this is what....later on... I found out:

1. I haven't started with intention

2. I couldn’t see beyond my troubles

3. I was on a fighitng mode and didn't believe anyone or anything could help

4. I kept relying on what I knew...grit and determination to fix anything I would face.


I broke down.

The breakdown has been my unintentional golden gate.

I am not suggesting that you break down, and

I know that this is not going to give motivation to those who believe that being intentional is the only way to change your life for the better

but I want you to know that, even though being intentional is great, not being so, doesn't prevent anyone from growing beyond beliefs.

If you resonate with any of the 4 points above

and you are sick and tired of being sick and tired

you can start by recognising that what you know isn't working

and that, hard to admit, you don't know what to do.

This acceptance alone, albeit scary initially, especially if you are a "high achiever", is a giant step already.

Because it may allow the opening that you need to start being
curious to learn about aspects of yourself that you never allowed to come out in the open.

This is the beginning and it could also be the end (in a good sense) of personal growth

because it keeps you exploring as life unfolds

no longer needing to get to a "better" knowledge to feel "more".

When you experience the freedom from the need to be needy,

the risks associated with the fear of opening up melt away as snow under the sun and you will experience growth as a sense of

1. confidence that comes from nowhere and depends on nothing

2. wonder and awe to be at ease despite being in the same "triggering" environment

3. clarity that comes as the events unfold, without the need to muscle up your brain to face them.

If somewhere inside you, this speaks to you... stop trying to reason around it... take a leap of faith and start exploring.