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Our children are older than us when we met.

37 years ago Marco and I joined the police.
We spent 4 months side by side in Palermo, Sicily, training before being sent back to Rome to do our part.
We were inseparable.
Whoever started the trouble (👉🏻), the other (✋) would just jump right in without asking any questions.
In fact, it was better not knowing what started it (👉🏻) and why I would find (✋) in that mess
all I know is that last night we had a great time with our beautiful ladies and he showed me the picture on the left, that he had in his cell!
Back in the days we didn't have cell phones.
We left home 3 years before they were marketed!
To call our girlfriends we had to wait for the flag to be lowered and for our three platoons mighty scream to resonate in unison in the empty square of the barracks before being able to rush out and call them from a public phone.
I must admit, it often gave me goosebumps.
The first part not the latter.
We had walkman for music and I know I'm losing a few generations here.
But if you're still following along and if you know "Warriors of the Wasteland" by Frankie Goes to Hollywood or
The Joshua tree by U2
that gives you a sense of the times and the mood.
I think I have melted those tapes (oh my God, who knows what they are?!)
This morning I woke up with these thoughts a smile and a lovely feeling of…
I don’t know I feel a little bit like a... like a...
Well you know.
Your sincerely
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