To be free from guilt you must free yourself from

the savior narrative.
Somehow over the years you developed this “character” that you identified with.
This makes you feel responsible for making others happy, protected, comfortable, safe.
This dynamic may have been triggered when you felt:
- as the cause of disappontiment.
- helpless when witnessing the suffering of those you loved.
- in charge to take care of those who could not take care of themselves.
Knowing where this comes from may or may not help,
the point is that if you want to be free from it,
you have to recognise this urge to "save" others as the illusory narrative of being responsible for fixing other people's lives.
You can be a pointer, not a savior.
You may be the light that may help others to light up their own spark.
But you can't inject your own light to others.
This, if it was at all possible, would be so unfair.
Preventing others to live their life and find out by themselves.
To go beyond guilt as well as your own suffering it's a gift everyone deserves to experience firsthand.
The narrative of being in power and control is what the illusory sense of self creates to resist to life as is.
See through it and be free.
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