The greatest career leap happened when I was no longer searching or affirming

The greatest career leap happened when I was no longer searching or affirming
In that loss of interest in "me", I also lost:
- anxiety
- fear of pain
- my sense of guilt
- my self inflicted narrative as a "leader and saviour"
- any need to search for a meaning as every moment was (and is) complete already.
In the absence of the above, an overflowing feeling of love, presence and unity within, and with all, emerged without effort.
But it's not been intentional.
It was triggered by exhaustion.
Because I always kept it all inside.
I thought that reaching out to others, meant giving up on myself.
Silly "me".
We are all connected.
In that loss I would have found me and all, but how could I know?
The Lakota (Sioux) would say "Mitakuye Oyasin".
This Navajo guide was pointing me somewhere... we were in the Mystery Valley, where the Sleeping Dragon is.
The exhaustion of the me, has been the beginning of a new day, every day.
We are all here for each other. As each other.
As we are all one and the same.
Use any pointer without fear, taking a leap in the unknown, means coming back home.
Wake the dragon.
📸 Picture taken in 2018 at the Mystery Valley (part of the Monument Valley) located on the border between Utah and Arizona as I was writing "The way of the wind".
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