After being laid off, I could have accepted the next job offer and keep on earning 6 figures OR
-- travel across the Indian reservations of America
-- write a novel to share a story of "awakening"
-- become a coach
-- start a business.
I was 52 when I was presented with the challenge.
I am 57 and continue to travel, write, learn and work.
Every day is full of challenges and possibilities
like a blank page under the pen of a writer whose story he himself discovers as he writes
with the unshakeable trust that the less he tries to write a compelling story with the aim to be liked
the more the story will be authentic and worth living.
Feeling stuck and worried is normal, writing every page with that narrative is optional.
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To radically transform the way you experience life
Money is an amplifier, if you are happy,
Your sense of urgency drives your path, your inner compass the direction you take
You are not born for greatness
Just to make it clear, my son isn't mine
The majestic side of you is woo woo stuff!
Being a freelance presented me with challenges I didn't have when I worked in corporations.
You have YOUR WAY as I have mine, but we have this in common
Drinking to release tension
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