If you like to play it safe this message is not for you.
If you're still reading, you're probably one of those people who know that life-transforming events are REALIZATIONS that happen through direct experience,
not results acquired by following a bunch of steps well laid out inside a user guide.
If you want to break free from the loop of suffering, compulsive thinking, anxiety, burnout...
Reading another book or post will not give you that.
Surely you will understand a few more concepts and notions but...
How many books/courses did you buy with that hope and yet still searching for the next entertainment?
Don't get me wrong, reading is great...
I'm an author and I hope that by reading my book you will be inspired... but inspired to
take action
expose yourself
trust the unknown
explore with the curiosity of a free mind
skin your knees because you play, not because you bow to your fears...
not by acquiring more "knowledge" to stuck up inside your head.
If you are ready to make that jump, to explore and experience, take action.
Reach out.
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To radically transform the way you experience life
Money is an amplifier, if you are happy,
Your sense of urgency drives your path, your inner compass the direction you take
You are not born for greatness
Just to make it clear, my son isn't mine
The majestic side of you is woo woo stuff!
Being a freelance presented me with challenges I didn't have when I worked in corporations.
You have YOUR WAY as I have mine, but we have this in common
Drinking to release tension
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