Don't talk to me about awareness, I have real problems to fix.

Don't talk to me about awareness, I have real problems to fix.
How do I move out from burnout?
How do I deal with my divorce?
How do I make the next career step?
How do I manage stress?
Ho do I become a better version of myself?
I need a "how to" not philosophy... says the man unaware that he is the master of his doom.
Unless you see what
-- are the beliefs you empower that cause you to burnout
-- scares you the most about separation
-- you don't need, to prove your worth
-- causes stress in the first place
-- you think you are lacking
How can you even know what's the right "how to" to adopt or
if there is one at all?
This is philosophy!
Not knowing what the root cause of your suffering is
and still trying to fix problems for the love of your thoughts.
Awareness is not a thought, but the quality that is embedded in you from birth with which you can see your thoughts that keep you stuck in fixing mode.
Well then, keep on grinding
this too is an excellent way to find out
what doesn't give you what you are looking for.
Follow your own path
until you'll find out
that there are
no paths.
You are already what you are seeking.
Right now.
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